Goodbye, 2020

And good riddance to ya 👋


It obviously wasn’t the year we envisioned, anticipated, or hoped for, but there were still bright spots among the dark. Here are a few of mine, in no particular order!

  1. SCHITT’S CREEK. Okay, kind of kidding (but seriously, if you haven’t seen this show yet, you MUST. The funniest feel-good show of all time). In reality, quarantine and my film class provided an opportunity to explore tons of documentaries and shows, and challenge my views and knowledge about a host of subjects.

  2. GIVING GRACE. One of my New Year’s goals was to stress about school less and enjoy the Northeast more, and COVID certainly gave me the opportunity to accomplish that! Even though my downtime involved less travel and more social distancing than I anticipated, it was still downtime. As a result, I enjoyed school and my friendships far more than I did in 2019.

  3. APPRECIATION FOR LOVED ONES. This has gone through the roof for me (as it has for most people, I suspect). I’ve never felt more connected to my family than I have this year, despite only physically seeing them twice and living almost 2000 miles apart. Plus, my younger brother Tucker got engaged to an ABSOLUTE catch, and I can’t wait to officially welcome Shelby into the Vann family!!

  4. APPRECIATION FOR SCIENCE. Does anyone else think it’s super cool that the COVID vaccine was discovered by a German-Turkish immigrant power couple?? Because I DO. Read more about them here.

  5. SAVING VS SPENDING. Monetary struggles were obviously central this year, and though Ben and I were incredibly lucky on the job front, I still learned a lot about finances, stocks, savings accounts, and the economy. Another New Years goal was to save more money, and I’m happy to say - Mission Accomplished!! I hit a personal savings goal around September, and that was a big W for 2020.

  6. TIME W/THE HUBS. 2020 marks the first time in a six-year relationship that Ben and I lived in the same place for the ENTIRE YEAR!!!! And needless to say, we spent a lot of this year ACTUALLY together - another wonderful phenomenon.

  7. HOME DE-CLUTTER & DIY. Throughout the year, we’ve slowly decluttered - selling some stuff, donating others, and throwing out the worst of the worst. We’ve also put a little effort into fancying up the apartment; since we’re spending so much time inside, we decided the increase in quality of life was worth it! I should really post photos - the bedroom is an absolute TRIUMPH.

  8. USING MY VOICE. George Floyd’s death had a profound impact on me, and racial justice has taken a front seat in my mind, actions, and view of the criminal legal system. There’s a lot to be done here, but 2020 was an excellent time to start.

  9. BOOKS BOOKS BOOKS. I think I’ve read more books this year than in many past, and a ton have been winners. Among the top - Educated, The Hate You Give, Hillbilly Elegy, and Blink.

  10. THIS BLOG! It has continued to grow and I’ve spoken to a ton of future law students, Air Force officers, and JAGs. It’s also continued to be a stress-reliever, fun activity, and way to stay connected with many readers - for anyone who reached out or commented during this year, I promise it was a highlight of that particular week!

Thank you, as always, for following along with Legally Blonde AF. I hope your holidays are fantastic and full of love, and we’ll get back after in 2021!


Trial Advocacy Workshop


Finals Week(s)