Virtual 2L: A Recap
“How is school going? Is the second year better? Are you guys totally online, or….”
Today, I am here to answer all these questions (fine, no, & yes respectively). But really - we’re heading into week SIX, almost halfway through the semester!!! It has absolutely flown by…possibly because I rotate between my desk, the couch, and my bed. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Anyway, here’s a breakdown of 2L: Semester 1, Pt 1.
9 out of 10! Right off the bat, I felt a huge difference between 2L and 1L (and not just because we’re on Zoom now). The workload is actually heavier, but I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly I could embrace the workload, analyze cases, and pick up on each professor’s expectations this time around. I don’t have to read each case twice (see THIS POST for a laugh @ overwhelmed 1L me) and no longer try to prepare equally for each class. Instead I tailor my prep (both reading and note-taking) for the professor and course content - which is a life skill in itself, I think. Plus, reading cases is FAR less painful when you’re interested in the subject matter!
The class formats are surprisingly varied. My Fair Trial and Justice in the Media courses are discussion-based, with a mix of Zoom breakout rooms and large group sessions. In contrast, my Capital Punishment and Evidence courses are a traditional “cold call” format while Jurisprudence is 100% lecture. Additionally, my classes range from 22 participants (C.P. and Jurisprudence) to over 90 (Capital Punishment and Evidence). I love the variety - it helps break up a long day in front of the screen.
I’m also a HUGE fan of the one-class Wed/one-class Thurs/no class Fri schedule. I don’t have as much “off time” as I figured, but fingers crossed I’ll be somewhat prepared for finals season?
Eh, that’s probably delusional. But I’m glad the horror of 1L didn’t completely squash my eternal optimism 😬
Me on day two. The makeup-and-washed-hair look didn’t last long…and is that chocolate on my mouth?
Note to self, volunteering to run an org WILL TAKE UP LOTS OF TIME. But it’s worth it when things come together!! This year we’ve introduced a “Leadership Through Crisis” speaker series, and kicked things off via virtual lunch talk with LTG (ret) Nadja West, former Surgeon General of the U.S Army. General West is one of the most accomplished women I’ve ever met (first African-American female Army three-star and highest-ranking women ever to graduate from West Point, for starters) and also a PLEASURE to host. It was a nice mix of moderated discussion and Q&A, and I’m so excited for the next few.
We’re also working to add “lunch” to "virtual lunch talks, so hopefully UberEats comes through!
Non-existent??? Nah, just kidding - there’s just more texting, video calling, and Zoom chatting than ever before. And a few more socially distanced meet-ups with Boston friends than last year. Those never fail to be the highlight of my week!
It is kinda weird to be in class with people and not talk to them about that class. As 1Ls, my section did a lot more commiserating during breaks and pre/post-class than I realized! That said I still love seeing familiar faces in each course. Sometimes its via Zoom chat, sometimes via text, but we always manage to get a quick “hello” in!
I was (and still am, frankly) a bit worried about the new 1Ls, but I’ve heard that many like the online environment! Admittedly, Zoom does create a layer of removal between professor and student that makes online cold calls much less intimidating. Plus, they aren’t exposed to the Stress Ball that is HLS - logging off your computer right after class provides definite, instant separation between School and Life. And it sounds like they’re still connecting via online forums, so I guess our 1Ls are doing better than I expected!
Ames Competition - I’ll write a full post about this because THIS (not classes) is giving me a 6am-9pm workday right now. Ames is a Harvard classic, moot court competition that has been around for over 100 years. Any 2L can participate in the opening rounds - you just have to join a team of four, take on a set of facts and district court decision, and write two briefs (one for each side of the issue). Unfortunately, you then have to make it through a few preliminary rounds; only the best of the best proceed on to oral argument for several Circuit Court judges and a Supreme Court justice!
I’m on a Department of Defense team - all vets/active duty, and a nice mix of Army and Air Force (but you know…go Air Force). Our first written argument is due on Friday and I can’t WAAAAAAAAIT to turn it in.
Adventure Race Training
Yep, Ben and I have signed up for a 24-hr Adventure Race in April! We need EXTENSIVE training to prep for the mountain biking, trekking, CANOEING, and navigating with a good ole map & compass. So far, so bad - I am far from a natural on the mountain bike.
COVID Life - Ben and I are hanging in there!! Massachusetts recently reupped their mask policy-in-public (worn at all times on a sidewalk, even when walking alone) but our restaurants are socially-distanced open! Plus, most of the Northeast is open for interstate travel, so Ben and I have been enjoying the leaves and some outdoor time before the cold sets in.
Long story short - so far so good. I’m a strangely big fan of class on Zoom (mostly because I enjoy no makeup, sweats, and a 20-ft commute). And I LOVE taking classes in subjects that I enjoy!!