Midterm Feedback
This week marks the one-year anniversary of Zoom School of Law, and boyyyyyy I am not celebrating. I’m a far cry from my best self during the third straight semester online!
Snark aside, I really felt I was crushing the online scene last spring and fall. I didn’t even mind doing Trial Advocacy from home (taping notes right behind the camera? Wearing Uggs with my suit in ‘court?’ …I can neither confirm nor deny). But for some reason, I’ve hit a big ole wall during 2L spring.
My motivation is at an all-time low right now. Truly. Doesn’t matter what I *should* be motivated about (school, working out, replying to texts/emails, cleaning the apartment, setting up AFA events, etc.) - it’s just not happening!!
Eh. It is what it is. If you’re in this boat, I’m here with ya. We’ll get through it - the end is in sight 💪 And until then, we have F.R.I.E.N.D.S.!
It really do be like that sometimes.
Okay - I’m still prepping for each class and doing my best to participate. I’m even sticking around for questions after each session, thereby prolonging my exposure to the virtual realm. But critical thinking about the materials? Nope, never heard of her.
This is partly because the reading material is 95% virtual, and I don’t absorb PDF pages as well as physical hard copies. I really feel like the scrolling distracts me! It’s also partly because I’ve allowed myself to get VERY lazy and type notes instead of hand-writing them. If I ever needed proof that typing my notes is not the move, this semester is it.
Silver lining: I’ll have tons of notes ready for outlines when exam season rolls around!
But I AM starting to freak out about the Bar - it’s coming fast! Some of my friends are taking the MPRE this month (Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam - Step 1 of The Bar) and I’m planning to take it in August. It’s too early to study, but I still need to go through the rigmarole of registering and figuring out where the heck I want to be licensed.
Also, finals start next month and I’m convinced I haven’t learned anything yet…not the most reassuring feel. But we’ll get through! And I’ll go back to sleeping normally at some point, right?
Seriously, this is not good. We had that straight week of wind and snow about a month ago, and my workout regime (what little existed) has still not recovered. The lack of yoga studios and gyms are killing me smalls!!
Of course, that’s really no excuse. I’ve got a yoga mat and my dumb weak body, so that’s enough to do a home workout. I just…don’t want to. But consider this a New Spring Resolution - I’m gonna.
If you know me, you know I like to end things on a positive note - and over the last few months, I’ve noticed the following “pluses.” Even corona can’t take all the joy away…
My professors are INCREDIBLE. Seriously, all of them. I need to post about them specifically because each one is #goals for my future. They’re so good that I feel I’m doing them an absolute disservice by failing to connect the dots in class!
The Harvard administration is planning to have us back on campus next fall. Best email ever!!!
Speaking of next fall - Harvard has admitted a TON of vets this cycle, and I’m beyond excited to meet them in person.
Random, but I needed a last-minute business casual outfit for Monday and the FIRST outfit I tried at Ann Taylor was a winner…honestly, I could have cried. It’s the little things.
And a few other one-off bright spots - I got to see my closest Academy friends last weekend, did a fun little AFA trivia night, and got (virtually) inducted into my high school’s Athletic Hall of Fame!
And, most importantly, spring break is next week!! You BET I’m going to seize a Zoom-free opportunity to soak up as much Vitamin D as I possibly can. This time next Sunday, I’ll probably look a lil' crispy 😎